Ever pushed a shop up a hill?
I have. And I can confirm, there’s no joy like the joy of people coming together in a common (if weird) cause
Before I went a bit bananas, quit my job, ran off to Cambodia at short notice and started a new job, I began drafting what was to be my next newsletter.
In a return to news-focussed form, it was destined to a 1000-word rail against the unrelenting misogyny and triggering victim blaming of the week’s headlines. I’ll come back to that angry intro and finish at some point, I’m sure. There will, after all, be future weeks of hideous sexism to rail against in no time. Nothing is as certain in 2023 as death and tabloids.
But today is not the day for that letter. Because I did quit my job, run off to Cambodia at short notice and start a new job, and each step of that mad little week or so has reminded me that, for all the negativity we encounter, there really is so much good in the world, and so very much to be grateful for.