Rediscovering my rhythm
How I overcame gymtimidation and realised what I'd been missing for 22 years...
This is a subscriber only newsletter from The Flock by Jennifer Crichton. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you…
I was wrong.
There, I said it.
For years, I’ve looked cynically at those who said they enjoyed sweating at the gym, opened Instagram and scoffed at Jameela Jamil, Davina et al every time they claimed to push themselves for fun instead of as self-punishment. I didn’t believe it. Or rather, I couldn’t believe it.
The mere idea of a big, brash, muscle-filled gym brought me out in hives - a serious case of what my pal this week told me is now dubbed gymtimidation . Yet last week, not only did I join one, I went three times. I know, who even is she?