I didn't know whether to laugh or cry reading this article. I thought you captured perfectly what the Daily Mail journalist probably wanted to write about Angela Rayner: "Look at the mouthy woman who got above her station by distracting the boys. Shouldn’t she be at home on the council estate, eating Pot Noodles bought with her benefits cheque?"

Answering your question, I would seriously consider running for office and I'm not put off by the misogyny. It's prevalent across society. What I do find offputting is the prospect of dealing with all those Old Etonian/ Oxford boorish types. I'm getting flashbacks of scenes from "Anatomy of a Scandal" just thinking about this. Gruesome. But I won't let this put me off and may yet run for office.

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Amazing to hear you'd consider standing for office - we need more like you Denyse! Agree with you on the ordeal of having to deal with boors and Etonians though - The portrayal of them in Anatomy of a Scandal was enough to put many of us off for life!

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My local Labour Party have me earmarked as a candidate for Councillor at the next local election for what they're convinced is a winnable seat. I'm doing everything I can do resist what I suspect is an inevitable eventuality!

I seriously considered doing the Oxbridge entrance exam. Having watched Anatomy of A Scandal and read Sonia Purnell's excellent Just Boris: A Tale of Blond Ambition, I'm really glad I didn't. I think the shock would have been too great and I'd have been thoroughly miserable there.

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